Donna Riddington


INPUD (International Network for People who Use Drugs) came up with a global, social media campaign that would address urgent issues on harm reduction policy reform, access to services/medicines and support. This followed an earlier survey, INPUD initiated among peers, that sought to understand the impact that coronavirus pandemic disruptions had on support services and human rights. I created graphics for the campaign that were directly inspired by survey findings and respondent insights. Over five weeks, the campaign schedule would highlight #HarmReductionIsEssential, #TakeHomeOAT, #PowerOfPeers, #RightsNotControl, #DecrimTheSystem, with peers from every continent posting images and messages to effect transformative, positive change.

Peers In The Pandemic campaign banner.
Illustration of woman wearing a Tshirt that says 'Harm Reduction Is Essential' in front of a repeat pattern of drug paraphernalia.
Illustration of a mandala design made of drug paraphernalia and naloxone spray, entitled 'Harm Reduction Is Essential'.
'Power of Peers' illustration of a denim jacket covered in activist badges advocating for harm reduction and peer support.
Illustration of a group of five people in front of a large gathered crowd. Each wear pandemic masks. The heading reads Power of Peers.
Illustration of a silhouetted person drinking  a version of Opioid Agonist Treatment. A repeat pattern of OAT pill sheets serves as a backdrop. The heading reads Take Home OAT.
Power of Peers illustration of two people facing each other while masked. Their speech bubbles contain images instead of words of a listening ear and a series of OATs. Hands protrude from the speech bubbles to shake.
Illustration of an open building bannered with a large heart. Beside it, there's a gathering crowd. Large block type reads '65% had at least some access to harm reduction services'.
A comic strip illustration of three frames, each with a person who answers no in English-slang, Russian, and French. Text above reads 'During the 2020 coronavirus pandemic people were asked whether harm reduction services are properly funded in their area. 77% stated they are not'.
Illustration of a globe. To the left of it large text reads '290 people from 54 countries participated in the survey'.